Good afternoon!
My mailbox remains empty but that's okay.
I've got my momentum back and that's a good thing.
One of the reasons I like living in Las Vegas is because I like sunshine and warmth.
Currently, it's 96 degrees Fahrenheit which is pretty mild for summer.
It's humid and cloudy outside but I love it.
I usually don't write much on my mail blog because I think It would diminish what I write to my pen pals, but lately, I'm thinking I might change this.
It's like the old saying, "there's plenty of love to go around."
Or in this case, plenty of thoughts and ideas whether written in my blog, a letter or postcard.
It will be a gradual process but I hope to make this blog more interesting.
Yesterday, I mailed out three more letters.
These are going to Margie, Patt and Becky.
Have a great weekend everyone, and thanks for stopping by.