Monday, May 18, 2015

Empty Inside

Hi Ya'll. It's been a rainy day here in Las Vegas and I am loving it. It's perfect for catching up on blogs, making homemade soup, and watching black and white movies on TV. Oh how sweet it is. I hope you all are having a wonderful day full of things you love.

Awhile back I received a handmade envelope from an unfamiliar person. I was so excited to get it. when I opened the envelope, it was empty. I'm not sure if it was intentional or somehow lost its contents in the mail. (maybe someone meant it to be mail art) Forgive me for not knowing who it's from. If you are reading this blog post and it's from you, can you please let me know if I received it the way you meant or if something is missing. I do love the paper that was used to make the envelope. The return address says it's from Jennifer.

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