Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Drive to California and The Painted Card

Good morning everyone. How are you doing on this Thursday? It's been quite a busy week for me so far. I even drove to California yesterday to buy some Powerball lottery tickets, which is something I never do. I could have gotten them at State Line but I drove all the way to Cima Road where there is a neat store that sells home made beef jerky, nuts, and candies. In addition to the lottery tickets, I purchased a few postcards to bring home with me. Not that I need any more really, but I'm compulsive that way.   Yes, I do know that this is a mail blog so I will get on with it.

The other day I went to my Post Office to check my mailbox and there was my name, so beautifully written on an envelope. I was excited to see what it contained inside.

Inside was the most beautiful handmade card I have ever received.
It's simple, it's elegant and it's amazing. Honestly, the photo does not do it justice. The writing on the painted area is shiny and almost looks like vinyl lettering. I so appreciate the thoughtfulness of this card. I am extremely grateful to receive such a gift in my mail.  Thank you Randall.
The same day I received this letter, I sent out some pen pal letters.

And a Swap:
This swap is for a notecard swap.
Well, I have a lot to do today and I'm sure you all do too. Make it enjoyable.


Laura said...

I absolutely LOVE the handwriting, too! Simple is beautiful.

Medical Librarian said...

Lovely outgoing mail, and you're right about the card you received being lovely.

Randall said...

Yay!! So glad the card got there and that you liked it. I was curious to know if the paint on the outside of the envelope would interfere with the coding that the Post Office puts on the bottom -- from your photo it looks like it wasn't a problem!

sammybongo said...

I love your cool old looking letters.

The Artful Diva said...

how could you not love that card?! It's a beauty.