Thursday, February 5, 2015

Day four, 3 out the door

Good afternoon my lovely beauties. My days go by so fast. It seems like I just woke up an hour ago and here it is already almost time to get diner cooking. I haven't done anything to brag about except I finally wrote brief letters to 3 of my pen pals who haven't heard from me in months and months. They will be shocked that I'm still alive. Ha Ha.

I know at least one of these people look at my blog every now and then. One is headed to Decatur Georgia, one to Algonquin, Illinois, and one to Katy, Texas. I hope it brightens up their day.
I'm in a pink mood and it's sweethearts month so I'm sticking to the theme all month long.

Have a great night and maybe a little romance too. If you can't have that then just a hug will do.


Suburban Girl said...

I thought of you today. I was in an old barn full of vintage stuff and saw a bunch of old post cards and thought of you and how much you would like them!

~JarieLyn~ said...

Yes, Rebecca, I probably would love them. It's nice to be in your thoughts.